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So far admin has created 117 entries.

Activate Your Dreams With This Amazing Offer

You are interested in healthy food, and nourishing your body with the goodness that will propel your wellbeing.
I too am super keen on raising our consciousness around the food we stock, the dishes we prepare and share, the items we grab on the go.

I would love to see our society value quality, nutritious produce, […]

By |February 9th, 2019|Meet Anna, Parenting, Recipes, Workshops|0 Comments

Christmas Pear Peace

This pear dessert is one of my all time favourite fruit treats and serves as a perfect accompaniment with Christmas pudding.

Simple, light, easy to prepare and oozing with an incredibly fresh and relaxing quality.  The pears are glazed in healing kuzu, which strengthens the membranes around each cell, and aids in digestion.  Garnished with […]

By |December 17th, 2017|Desserts, Recipes|0 Comments

Sky TV

Sky TV Show, Different Kind Of Woman features my recent Natural Kitchen class as part of their broadcast on Heart Healthy Cookery!

Sky production and camera crew filmed alongside our live class, then dined on the glorious feast, followed by interviewing me.

The menu was abundant as usual, and all left with a full repertoire of dishes […]

By |October 13th, 2017|Dishes on ITV, Press|0 Comments

Miso Soup to Vitalise

This has to be my all time favourite go to soup.

Brimming with goodness from healthy miso paste and sea vegetable minerals, this broth will certainly revive and make you feel energised.

Enjoy this Autumn with seasonal vegetables for an immune strengthening and kidney loving tonic.
Serves 4
Dash sesame oil
1 onion diced
1 courgette finely sliced
1 cup pumpkin/ […]

By |September 9th, 2017|Healthy Eating, Recipes, Soups|0 Comments

How Do We Nourish Our Children?

How do we nourish our children amidst the prolific sugar pleas and fast food society?

We can teach them about foods of the earth, allow their assistance in preparing meals, strive to nourish our own selves optimally by example.

All children delight in witnessing natures’ life cycle in the seasons, collecting trophies from the land, growing […]

By |September 9th, 2017|Healthy Eating, Parenting|0 Comments

Being Balanced In Spring

Courtesy of my graduate Lilian Kluviers from the Pure Cook’s Training and founder of the Do-In Academy is this essential book for balancing your life with the season.  Filled with ancient wisdom, modern application, exercise techniques and special recipes.

I encourage you to read this special book and check out my featured recipes.

(26MB download)

Thank you […]

By |May 28th, 2017|Living, Macrobiotics|0 Comments

Dressings To Live For

Three of my favourite dressings permeating with the freshness of lemon juice.

Tahini Dressing3 dessertspoons tahiniJuice from half lemon1 dessertspoons brown rice vinegar3 dessertspoons water1 dessertspoon tamariCombine all ingredients and mix until smooth.  Oil Free Lemon Vinaigrette2 tblspn Lemon juice½ tsp Wholegrain mustard2 tsp rice syrupWaterSplash ShoyuCombine the ingredients in a jar and shake!  Adjust flavours to […]

By |December 18th, 2016|Healthy Eating, Healthy Snacks, Mains|0 Comments

Magical Sides for Festive Feasts

Flurries of meals await as we approach the festive season.

Should you be hosting, here are some steps to help you plan your meal and support your spread.

Create a welcome feast by considering the balance of your meal.

The traditional turkey and roast potatoes are all heavy, long cooked baked dishes.   If you want your diners to feel […]

By |December 17th, 2016|Healthy Eating, Mains, Seasons|0 Comments

Festive Onion Soup with Garlic Croutons

This has to be my favourite soup for the season.  Flavourful, warming and nourishing – this soup will melt hearts!

Serving the soup with the so easily prepared garlic croutons is a must.  I also enjoy using a mix of sweet white miso and brown rice or barley miso, but of course you could use […]

By |December 12th, 2016|Recipes, Seasons, Soups|0 Comments

The Sugar Grip – Holding On & Letting Go

I am greeted by a wandering mess of gormless kids, faces smeared with sugary residues, clothes covered in chocolate stains.

She is sucking on an ice lolly.  I see the remnants of the forage.  Packaged jelly pots, candie wrappers, sausages, chips and fried food.  Fresh fruit is present and broccoli, I am told was offered […]

By |May 21st, 2016|Parenting|2 Comments