
Magical Sides for Festive Feasts

Flurries of meals await as we approach the festive season.

Should you be hosting, here are some steps to help you plan your meal and support your spread.

Create a welcome feast by considering the balance of your meal.

The traditional turkey and roast potatoes are all heavy, long cooked baked dishes.   If you want your diners to feel […]

By |December 17th, 2016|Healthy Eating, Mains, Seasons|0 Comments

Festive Onion Soup with Garlic Croutons

This has to be my favourite soup for the season.  Flavourful, warming and nourishing – this soup will melt hearts!

Serving the soup with the so easily prepared garlic croutons is a must.  I also enjoy using a mix of sweet white miso and brown rice or barley miso, but of course you could use […]

By |December 12th, 2016|Recipes, Seasons, Soups|0 Comments

Spring Green Parcels with Shitake Mushroom & Kohl Rabi

By Guestblogger Lilian Kluviers
Student of the Pure Cook’s Training Spring 2015.
I am delighted to welcome guestblogger Lilian.  Here, she shares her surprises from taking the Pure Cook’s Training and a lovely recipe creation to enjoy this Spring.  Lilian is based in the Netherlands and runs a special exercise academy internationally;
I have always been enthusiastic about nutrition and […]

By |April 1st, 2015|Healthy Eating, Healthy Snacks, Mains, Seasons|0 Comments

Welcoming Winter

By Guestblogger Carlota Ribeiro Sanches,
Graduate of the Pure Cook’s Training 2014

Seasons not only have a great impact on soil and crops but they also have a profound impact in our minds and bodies.

Chinese ancient traditions say that we are greatly influenced by the changes in climate and therefore should respect and live according to […]

By |December 11th, 2014|Healthy Eating, Healthy Snacks, Living, Macrobiotics, Seasons|0 Comments

Kitchen Garden Bumper Crop

Alongside broad beans and runner beans, courgette and pumpkin, our Wholefood Harmony Kitchen Garden’s bumper crop this year was tomatoes.  These are the fruits from a single tomato plant!

Now I know tomatoes are a nightshade and I use them sparingly in classes, but in the midst of summer this fresh, ripe harvest is a […]

By |August 1st, 2014|Healthy Eating, Seasons|0 Comments

Becoming Autumn

The seasons are altering and our bodies need to adjust for this change.

Can we tell how well we are aligned with natures’ rhythm?

Autumn is a popular time of year when colds and flu can exert their presence.  In eastern medicine Autumn is indeed connected with the lungs.  When the lungs discharge and cleanse themselves, […]

By |October 29th, 2013|Macrobiotics, Seasons|2 Comments

A Taste of Spring

A Taste of Spring Spring is associated with newness and growth, creativity and lightness. And the spring food qualities include light and upward growing foods. Be sure to enjoy plenty of servings of fresh spring greens this season which is sure to uplift your energy! We have evolved over thousands […]

By |March 21st, 2011|Seasons|0 Comments