Gaia Gang
10.30am – midday
Includes tea and freshly crafted veggie soup
Preschoolers welcome
London N2
If you are a mother or work with children, if you are pregnant or thinking about having children, this is your gang.
Here we will have the weekly opportunity, within the busyness of living, to prioritise the regard for parenting and bring more purpose to the rearing of our children.
We gather to help each other instill more of what we want in ourselves and our children. This may be healthy eating, less yelling, more cooperation, connection or calm.
We gather armed with peaceful parenting tricks to practice respectful, empathic child raising, and reap the benefits for our next generation.
We gather because together we can remember our power and return to our families and our work with more love, grace and inner fuel.
We gather for growth, for ourselves and for the children.
We gather to make connections and collaborate, and for a fresh brew and bowl of soup.
Each week, we’ll chat and laugh and then explore a topic around my nature, nurture, nourish framework and you will receive insight and practical tips to develop positive parenting for yourself.
Bring any questions, challenges and victories concerning your parenting, and food and natural health for you and your children.
We enjoy a delicious, freshly prepared soup brimming with organic plant goodness and crafted especially each week.
Over the next few weeks we will walk around food and eating for our children and ways we can support and uphold hearty, healthy eating. We will look at how to take the stress out of mealtimes, what to do when children are demanding about food and much more.
Please book in advance here
Gaia Retreats
Saturday 29th June 2019
For women from pre-pregnancy through to mothers/ carers (babies in arms are welcome)
10am – 3pm
Bathe in nourishment and positively activate the raising of your children.