
Dressings To Live For

Three of my favourite dressings permeating with the freshness of lemon juice.

Tahini Dressing3 dessertspoons tahiniJuice from half lemon1 dessertspoons brown rice vinegar3 dessertspoons water1 dessertspoon tamariCombine all ingredients and mix until smooth.  Oil Free Lemon Vinaigrette2 tblspn Lemon juice½ tsp Wholegrain mustard2 tsp rice syrupWaterSplash ShoyuCombine the ingredients in a jar and shake!  Adjust flavours to […]

By |December 18th, 2016|Healthy Eating, Healthy Snacks, Mains|0 Comments

Magical Sides for Festive Feasts

Flurries of meals await as we approach the festive season.

Should you be hosting, here are some steps to help you plan your meal and support your spread.

Create a welcome feast by considering the balance of your meal.

The traditional turkey and roast potatoes are all heavy, long cooked baked dishes.   If you want your diners to feel […]

By |December 17th, 2016|Healthy Eating, Mains, Seasons|0 Comments

Soba Noodles With Cavelo Nero Greens & Ginger Miso Dressing

My noodle recipe is bursting with the lovely flavours of ginger, miso and rice vinegar.  Add plenty of leafy greens and sesame seeds for full nutrition.  Substitute soba noodles for rice or wheat noodles and cavelo nero for other greens such as kale and pak choy.
2-3 bundles soba noodles
Bunch cavelo nero leafy greens
2 spring […]

By |January 12th, 2016|Mains, Recipes|0 Comments

Back To School Beany Burgers

A much loved creation from my cooking class this week and ideal for the new term.   Delicious hot, these burgers also make a great portable, protein rich meal for office lunch breaks and children’s lunch boxes.

I like using black beans or butterbeans, plenty of toasted seeds and nuts and fresh rosemary.   The […]

By |September 5th, 2015|Healthy Snacks, Mains|0 Comments

Edamame Spaghetti with Pesto of Avocado, Pine Nut & Roasted Greens

By Guestblogger Naz Maghounaki
Student of the Pure Cook’s Training 2015.

I am delighted to welcome guestblogger Naz. Naz recently turned vegan and here she shares one of her creations arising from the Pure Cook’s Training.  Be sure to check out more of her recipes at her blog


My decision to go plant-based stemmed from years of extreme […]

By |September 5th, 2015|Mains, Recipes|2 Comments

Sour Cream Supreme

Authentic sour cream without any dairy. A firm favourite at any table and hit with little people.  Simply delicious served with vegetables, leafy greens, inside tortilla wraps or with a curry. I use silken tofu or regular tofu combined with water to achieve a creamy consistency.

Half pack silken tofu (or regular tofu combined with […]

By |June 16th, 2015|Healthy Snacks, Mains, Recipes|0 Comments

Positively Healthy Pressed Salad

The pressed salad tops a regular salad any day!  This special style of salad is utterly delicious and ever so good for your health.

Pressed salads are made up of raw vegetables finely sliced and then pressed down to release their water content. This makes the vegetables more digestible and retains the vitality of the […]

By |April 1st, 2015|Healthy Eating, Healthy Snacks, Mains|0 Comments

Spring Green Parcels with Shitake Mushroom & Kohl Rabi

By Guestblogger Lilian Kluviers
Student of the Pure Cook’s Training Spring 2015.
I am delighted to welcome guestblogger Lilian.  Here, she shares her surprises from taking the Pure Cook’s Training and a lovely recipe creation to enjoy this Spring.  Lilian is based in the Netherlands and runs a special exercise academy internationally;
I have always been enthusiastic about nutrition and […]

By |April 1st, 2015|Healthy Eating, Healthy Snacks, Mains, Seasons|0 Comments

Chickpea & Sweet Potato Cakes

By Guestblogger Carlota Ribeiro Sanches,Graduate of the Pure Cook’s Training 2014

Carlota shares one of her yummy recipes from her final cooking project on the Pure Cook’s Training.

I wanted to create a menu that could be used daily, using organic seasonal vegetables, easy to prepare, with a lot of different flavours and textures – rich and wholesome dishes […]

By |January 16th, 2015|Healthy Eating, Healthy Snacks, Macrobiotics, Mains|2 Comments

Protein & Iron Rich Feast

My favourite protein and iron rich feast of a dish.  Plenty of dark leafy greens, alfalfa sprouts, sauerkraut and sumptuous tempeh.

Tempeh is the favoured fermented soy bean product, originally from Indonesia and often found in the freezer section of a health food store.  Tempeh is favoured for it’s top nutrition, protein, iron and B12 […]

By |September 1st, 2014|Macrobiotics, Mains|0 Comments