
Activate Your Dreams With This Amazing Offer

You are interested in healthy food, and nourishing your body with the goodness that will propel your wellbeing.
I too am super keen on raising our consciousness around the food we stock, the dishes we prepare and share, the items we grab on the go.

I would love to see our society value quality, nutritious produce, […]

By |February 9th, 2019|Meet Anna, Parenting, Recipes, Workshops|0 Comments

How Do We Nourish Our Children?

How do we nourish our children amidst the prolific sugar pleas and fast food society?

We can teach them about foods of the earth, allow their assistance in preparing meals, strive to nourish our own selves optimally by example.

All children delight in witnessing natures’ life cycle in the seasons, collecting trophies from the land, growing […]

By |September 9th, 2017|Healthy Eating, Parenting|0 Comments

The Sugar Grip – Holding On & Letting Go

I am greeted by a wandering mess of gormless kids, faces smeared with sugary residues, clothes covered in chocolate stains.

She is sucking on an ice lolly.  I see the remnants of the forage.  Packaged jelly pots, candie wrappers, sausages, chips and fried food.  Fresh fruit is present and broccoli, I am told was offered […]

By |May 21st, 2016|Parenting|2 Comments

Mother’s Day Love

It’s mothers day and I have virtually a whole day away from my little people. Time to myself, moments to focus on something else. Yet, today I find I want to write not about food and health, but children and parenting.

What do I want to speak today? To speak of love for these little […]

By |March 6th, 2016|Parenting|0 Comments

My Second Pure Baby Is Born!

With huge gratitude to the universe, I am thrilled to welcome my new baby girl into the world!  Born last Saturday 17th January at home and weighing 7 pounds.  A second Pure Baby and sister for Jemima.

By |January 22nd, 2015|Parenting|1 Comment

How to Host a Sugar Free Toddler Party!

Jemima turned two years old this week!

In celebration of this epic moment, we hold a gathering complete with musical fun, party food, little people and large parents alike.

I know the prerequisites for my party food prove challenging.  Pleasing both children and adults, being scrumptious and sweet yet sugar free, and surpassing any expectations.  Above […]

By |September 28th, 2014|Desserts, Healthy Snacks, Parenting, Recipes|0 Comments

Exploration of Food and Changes

Juno Magazine, Winter 2013

An Exploration of Food and Changes

Anna Freedman reflects on precious moments from each month of her baby’s first year.

The article is an edited extract from Anna’s book Pure Baby, which charts the wonder of baby development from a natural approach and applies her pure food wisdom.

Buy the latest Juno natural parenting […]

By |December 5th, 2013|Parenting, Press|Comments Off

Store-Bought Baby Food Offers Little Benefit to Homemade Purees

Great article about homemade baby food vs supermarket jars.  Very pleased to see the evidence here!


Commercial baby foods offer little nutritional benefit over breast milk and infants would get more from homemade purees than from a jar when transitioning to a solid food diet, a study found.

Researchers looked at more than 450 products for […]

By |September 18th, 2013|Healthy Eating, Living, Parenting|0 Comments

Pregnancy Profile

Vegetarian Living  July 2013

When health coach Anna Freedman fell pregnant, good nutrition for herself and her growing baby was her top priority.  Hardly surprising, given she runs Wholefood Harmony, the catering and cookery workshop company.

During her pregnancy and since giving birth to daughter Jemima, Anna kept a blog and was contacted by a number […]

By |June 7th, 2013|Parenting, Press|0 Comments